Networks that work like a chime

Networks that work like a chime

A cellular network is the modern equivalent of the “Tower of Babel”

Nobody knows what they are doing, nothing communicates with anything else, and the slightest adjustments may cause the whole thing to crash. Adding the 5G complexity to it seems like a “mission impossible.” Celwize’s Chime enables networks to self-organize and scale fast and step into the future of 5G.

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It's all about telling the right story. Rebranding a company in an uber-complex technology field such as ours is much like skating on thin ice. Choosing the right partner for this journey was critical. The Epics dove into the deep water of our ecosystem and came up with pearls. Our new brand strategy, story, and artwork have inspired our team as well as our clients, and we are very proud of the impact it is making on every stakeholder.

Hadas Shefler

VP Marketing

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3D Signals

A zero-to-one story

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