Super Power to the People

Super Power to the People

From expo to movement

Working with Augmented World Expo (AWE) since 2015, we have transformed the tech expo into a movement calling for technological superpowers, and reexamining the concept annually. AWE is the leading AR/VR event series in the world, hosting four annual events (Silicon Valley, Munich, Asia, and Tel Aviv) and with meetup chapters worldwide. Forbes calls AWE “The most essential AR/VR conference and expo.”


For the last five years, Epic has been leading our branding look, and we couldn’t have been happier with the results. Simple yet powerful visuals that perfectly convey our message, and above all, it consistently stays fresh every year!

awe image2
awe image1
image 3@2x scaled
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awe img6
image 6@2x scaled

For the last 5 years Epic has been leading our branding look and we couldn’t have been happier with the results. Simple yet strong visuals that perfectly convey our message, and above all it consistently stays fresh every year!

Ori Inbar


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